Flexibility in the Legal Workplace: Policies Versus Practice
(February 2011)
Diversity Metrics – Be Strategic About Your “Grade”
Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report (October 2010)
People Power
Managing Partner (October 2010)
Lex Mundi GOAL Guide to Best Practices in Mentoring, Coaching and Championing
Final Roundtable Assesses Impact of Recession, Looks Ahead to Recovery
NALP Bulletin (May 2010)
Constellation of Talents
Women Legal Magazine (March 2010)
Change to Gain
Women Legal Magazine (February 2010)
There Isn’t One Path to Success
(February 2010)
Articulating the Business Case for Inclusion
DRI Diversity Newsletter (April 2009)
The Call to Action: Advancing Women Attorneys in Leadership in Chicago
Illinois Bar Association Catalyst Newsletter (March 2009)